input % hover { color blue }
li % nthChild('3n') { color blue }
input:hover { color: Blue; }
li:nth-child(3n) { color: Blue; }
_.warn { color red }
_.error {
extend(_.warn) // extend '.warn' also works
background black
.warn,.error {color: Red;}
.error {background: Black;}
a {
color '#000'
add ':hover', { color blue }
div {
add '> p', { color '#eee' }
a { color: #000; }
a:hover { color: Blue; }
div > p { color: #eee; }
def css = GrooCSS.process(new Config(addWebkit: false, addMoz: false, addOpera: false)) {
keyframes('bounce') {
40 % {
60 % {
frame([0,20,50,80,100]) {
@keyframes bounce {
40%{transform: translateY(-30px);}
60%{transform: translateY(-15px);}
0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%{transform: translateY(0);}
Use the "c", "clr", "rgb" or "rgba" methods to create a color. For example:
def css = GrooCSS.process {
def sea = c('5512ab') //OR rgb(85, 18, 171)
_.sea {
color darken(sea)
background sea.brighter()
border "5px solid ${sea.alpha(0.5)}"
See the javadoc for all available methods.
You can also use named colors: {
color darkBlue
background aliceBlue
fontFace {
fontFamily 'myFirstFont'
fontWeight 'normal'
src 'url(sensational.woff)'
Resolves to:
@font-face { font-family: myFirstFont; font-weight: normal; src:url(sensational.woff); }
body {
add style('-webkit-touch-callout', 'none')
add style('-webkit-textSize-adjust', 'none')
add style('-webkit-user-select', 'none')
media 'screen', {
body { width '100%' }
@media screen {
body { width: 100%; }
The ability to import other groocss files is supported by importFile, importStream, and importString methods which take a parameter map and input. Any number of variables can be passed. For example:
def otherCss = new File('whatever file.groovy')
importFile otherCss.absoluteFile, linkColor: '#456789', background: 'black'
Within the imported groovy file, linkColor and background will be available with the given values.
For more examples, see the code used to create this page's CSS:
You can use the Translator to convert existing CSS into GrooCSS syntax:
org.groocss.Translator.convertFromCSS(File inFile, File outFile)
This allows you to get started quickly with GrooCSS in existing projects. See Migrating from CSS for more. Warning: Experimental! (might not always work)
Last updated: 31 July 2019