plugins {
id "io.spring.dependency-management" version "1.0.6.RELEASE"
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "4.0.2"
id "com.bertramlabs.asset-pipeline" version "3.0.6"
The GrooCSS codebase includes a working Micronaut example that uses Micronaut with asset-pipeline.
Taking a look at the build file, you’ll see the asset-pipeline plugin is included among the plugins:
plugins {
id "io.spring.dependency-management" version "1.0.6.RELEASE"
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "4.0.2"
id "com.bertramlabs.asset-pipeline" version "3.0.6"
Second, you’ll need to add asset-pipeline-micronaut as a runtime dependency and the groocss-asset-pipeline as a "assets" level depenedency (a custom asset-pipeline configuration).
runtime 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:asset-pipeline-micronaut:3.0.7'
assets 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:groocss-asset-pipeline:3.0.7'
This will allow you to put GrooCSS files in "src/assets/lib" and have them automatically converted to CSS available to your application.
See the asset-pipeline docs for more.
Or checkout the Micronaut example code.
Last updated: 31 July 2019