GrooCSS includes support for @Keyframes, Transitions, and transforms (like translateX).


You create keyframes in GrooCSS using the keyframes(selector, Closure) method (there’s also a "kf" alias).

def css = GrooCSS.process(new Config(addWebkit: false, addMoz: false, addOpera: false)) {
        keyframes('bounce') {
            40 % {
            60 % {
            frame([0,20,50,80,100]) {


@keyframes bounce {
    40%{transform: translateY(-30px);}
    60%{transform: translateY(-15px);}
    0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%{transform: translateY(0);}


Transitions are supported like any normal style property OR with a special DSL which takes a Closure (or multiple Closures).

For example:

a%hover {
    transition { all 1.s }

This would transition all properties that are changed for a:hover over 1 second.

If you want to supply the easing function, you can. Since command chains in Groovy require pairs to work (a method call and a value) you also need to provide the "delay" value (which can be zero). For example:

a%hover {
    transition { all 1.s ease 0 }

You can also supply multiple closure to support multiple transition values, eg:

a%hover {
    transition { color 1.s ease 0 } { background 2.s }

The correct CSS will be output.

Last updated: 31 July 2019