Variables allow you make values available to your GrooCSS at compile time through Config (or through method parameters of convertWithoutBase).

You can also use a Properties file to define variables with the variable. prefix. Or you can directly pass variable values through the Config object.

Config with Variables

There are three main methods on Config for setting variable values:

  • withVariable(String key, Object value) Takes a variable name and value, adds it to variables Map.

  • withVariables(String key, Object value, String key2, Object value2) Takes a two variable names and values, adds them to variables Map.

  • withVariables(Map<String, Object> variables) Takes a map of variable name to value, adds them to variables Map.

Each of these methods returns the Config object so they can be chained.

Groovy allows map parameters to be passed easily using the map-parameter syntax. Eg:

def config = new Config().withVariables(foreGround: '#123', backGround: '#abc')

This allows you to reference these variables within your GrooCSS files.

Gradle with Variables

With the Gradle plugin, it might be useful to pass the buildDir to your GrooCSS files.

task css(type: org.groocss.GroocssTask, dependsOn: convertCss) {
    conf = new org.groocss.Config().withVariables(buildDir: project.buildDir)
    from 'groocss/'
    into "css/"

Or when using the built-in task (convertCss):

groocss {
    processors = []
    variables = [buildDir: project.buildDir]
groocssfiles {
    allfiles {
        inFile = file('src/main/groovy/')
        outFile = file("css/")

This can enable you to use importFile using the buildDir variable. Eg:

'main.css'.groocss {

Index | End

Last updated: 31 July 2019