A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


a_active(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Hyperlink a:active.
a_focus(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Hyperlink a:focus.
a(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
a_hover(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Hyperlink a:hover.
a_visited(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Hyperlink a:visited.
abbr(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
abs(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the absolute value of a value.
acos(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the arc cosine of a value; the returned angle is in the range 0.0 through pi.
active(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :active.
add(Style) - Method in FontFace
add(StyleGroup) - Method in KeyFrames
add(Collection<? extends CSSPart>) - Method in MediaCSS
add(Selector, Closure<StyleGroup>) - Method in StyleGroup
See #add(String, Closure).
addAll(Collection<? extends CSSPart>) - Method in MediaCSS
addAll(Collection<Style>) - Method in StyleGroup.Styles
address(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Contact information.
alignContent(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the alignment between the lines inside a flexible container when the items do not use all available space
alignItems(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the alignment for items inside a flexible container
alignSelf(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the alignment for selected items inside a flexible container
alpha(double) - Method in Color
Returns a copy of this color but with given 0-1 alpha value.
alpha(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Gets the Alpha component (0-1).
and(def) - Method in Selector
animation(def, Closure) - Method in StyleGroup
A shorthand property for all the animation properties below, plus a closure to define keyframes.
animationDelay(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets when the animation will start
animationDirection(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether or not the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles
animationDuration(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how many seconds or milliseconds an animation takes to complete one cycle
animationFillMode(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing
animationIterationCount(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the number of times an animation should be played
animationName(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets a name for the @keyframes animation
animationPlayState(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether the animation is running or paused
animationTimingFunction(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the speed curve of the animation
area(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Image-map hyperlink.
argb(double, int, int, int) - Method in ColorMethods
Creates a new Color object from alpha (0-1),red,green,blue (0-255) values.
article(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
aside(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Tangential content.
asin(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the arc sine of a value; the returned angle is in the range -pi/2 through pi/2.
atan2(Number, Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, theta).
atan(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -pi/2 through pi/2.
audio(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Audio stream.


b(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Offset text conventionally styled in bold.
backfaceVisibility(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether or not an element should be visible when not facing the screen
background(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets all the background properties in one declaration
background(def) - Method in Transition
Sets all the background properties in one declaration
backgroundAttachment(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether a background-image is fixed or scrolls with the page
backgroundClip(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the painting area of the background
backgroundColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the background-color of an element
backgroundColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the background-color of an element
backgroundImage(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the background-image for an element
backgroundOrigin(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the positioning area of the background images
backgroundPosition(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the starting position of a background-image
backgroundPosition(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the starting position of a background-image
backgroundRepeat(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how to repeat (tile) a background-image
backgroundSize(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the size of the background image
backgroundSize(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the size of the background image
base(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Base URL.
bdi(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
BiDi isolate.
bdo(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
BiDi override.
bitwiseNegate() - Method in Selector
bitwiseNegate() - Method in StyleGroup
blockquote(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Block quotation.
blue(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Gets the Blue component (0-255).
body(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Document body.
border(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets borderWidth, borderStyle, and borderColor in one declaration
border(def) - Method in Transition
Sets borderWidth, borderStyle, and borderColor in one declaration
borderBottom(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets all the borderBottom* properties in one declaration
borderBottom(def) - Method in Transition
Sets all the borderBottom* properties in one declaration
borderBottomColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the bottom border
borderBottomColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the bottom border
borderBottomLeftRadius(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-left corner
borderBottomLeftRadius(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-left corner
borderBottomRightRadius(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-right corner
borderBottomRightRadius(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-right corner
borderBottomStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of the bottom border
borderBottomWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of the bottom border
borderBottomWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the bottom border
borderCollapse(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether the table border should be collapsed into a single border, or not
borderColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of an element's border (can have up to four values)
borderColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of an element's border (can have up to four durationVals)
borderImage(def) - Method in StyleGroup
A shorthand property for setting or returning all the borderImage* properties
borderImageOutset(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the amount by which the border image area extends beyond the border box
borderImageRepeat(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether the image-border should be repeated, rounded or stretched
borderImageSlice(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the inward offsets of the image-border
borderImageSource(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the image to be used as a border
borderImageWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the widths of the image-border
borderLeft(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets all the borderLeft* properties in one declaration
borderLeft(def) - Method in Transition
Sets all the borderLeft* properties in one declaration
borderLeftColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the left border
borderLeftColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the left border
borderLeftStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of the left border
borderLeftWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of the left border
borderLeftWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the left border
borderRadius(def) - Method in StyleGroup
A shorthand property for setting or returning all the four border*Radius properties
borderRight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets all the borderRight* properties in one declaration
borderRight(def) - Method in Transition
Sets all the borderRight* properties in one declaration
borderRightColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the right border
borderRightColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the right border
borderRightStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of the right border
borderRightWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of the right border
borderRightWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the right border
borderSpacing(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the space between cells in a table
borderSpacing(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the space between cells in a table
borderStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of an element's border (can have up to four values)
borderTop(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets all the borderTop* properties in one declaration
borderTop(def) - Method in Transition
Sets all the borderTop* properties in one declaration
borderTopColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the top border
borderTopColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the top border
borderTopLeftRadius(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the shape of the border of the top-left corner
borderTopLeftRadius(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the shape of the border of the top-left corner
borderTopRightRadius(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the shape of the border of the top-right corner
borderTopRightRadius(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the shape of the border of the top-right corner
borderTopStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of the top border
borderTopWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of the top border
borderTopWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the top border
borderWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of an element's border (can have up to four values)
borderWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the border.
bottom(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the bottom position of a positioned element
bottom(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the bottom position of a positioned element
boxDecorationBreak(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the behaviour of the background and border of an element at page-break, or, for in-line elements, at line-break.
boxShadow(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box
boxShadow(def) - Method in Transition
Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box
boxSizing(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Allows you to define certain elements to fit an area in a certain way
br(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Line break.
brighter() - Method in Color
A new color with brighter lumosity.
brightness(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Gets the Brightness/Lightness component (0-1) of HSL.
button(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
buttonButton(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Button with no additional semantics.
buttonReset(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Reset button.
buttonSubmit(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Submit button.


c(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Creates a new Color object from a Java Color.
call(StyleGroup) - Method in Selector
canvas(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Canvas for dynamic graphics.
caption(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table title.
captionSide(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the position of the table caption
cbrt(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the cube root of a double value.
ceiling(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
charset(String) - Method in GrooCSS
checked(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :checked.
cite(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Cited title of a work.
clear(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the position of the element relative to floating objects
clip(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets which part of a positioned element is visible
clip(def) - Method in Transition
Sets which part of a positioned element is visible
cloneMoz(Style) - Method in StyleGroup
cloneMs(Style) - Method in StyleGroup
cloneOpera(Style) - Method in StyleGroup
cloneTrio(Style) - Method in StyleGroup
cloneWebkit(Style) - Method in StyleGroup
clr(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Creates a new Color object from a Java Color.
code(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Code fragment.
col(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table column.
colgroup(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table column group.
Color - Class in org.groocss
Controls Color for CSS styles and has methods for brighter, darker, etc.
Color(int, double, double) - Constructor in Color
color(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the text
color(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the text
ColorMethods - Class in org.groocss
All Color related methods pulled into one class to make them available everywhere.
columnCount(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the number of columns an element should be divided into
columnCount(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the number of columns an element should be divided into
columnFill(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how to fill columns
columnGap(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the gap between the columns
columnGap(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the gap between the columns
columnRule(def) - Method in StyleGroup
A shorthand property for setting or returning all the columnRule* properties
columnRule(def) - Method in Transition
A shorthand property for setting or returning all the columnRule* properties
columnRuleColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the rule between columns
columnRuleColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the rule between columns
columnRuleStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of the rule between columns
columnRuleWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of the rule between columns
columnRuleWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the rule between columns
columns(def) - Method in StyleGroup
A shorthand property for setting or returning columnWidth and columnCount
columns(def) - Method in Transition
A shorthand property for setting or returning columnWidth and columnCount
columnSpan(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how many columns an element should span across
columnWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of the columns
columnWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the columns
command(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
commandCheckbox(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
State or option that can be toggled.
commandCommand(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Command with an associated action.
commandRadio(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Selection of one item from a list of items.
Comment - Class in org.groocss
Represents a comment to include in output.
comment(String) - Method in GrooCSS
Adds a comment to be included in output.
compress() - Method in Config
Sets the compress flag to true.
Config - Class in org.groocss
Configuration for GrooCSS conversions.
Config(Map) - Constructor in Config
content(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Used with the :before and :after pseudo-elements, to insert generated content
convert(def, def) - Method in GrooCSS
Convert a number from one unit into another.
convert(String, String) - Method in GrooCSS.Configurer
Processes a given groocss string and outputs as CSS string.
convertFile(Config, File, File) - Method in GrooCSS
convertFromCSS(File, File) - Method in GrooCSS
convertFromCSS(Reader, Translator.Printer) - Method in Translator
convertFromGroocss(File, File) - Method in Translator
convertNum(Number, String) - Method in GrooCSS
convertNum(Number, String) - Method in Measurement
convertUnderline() - Method in Config
Set the convertUnderline flag to true.
convertValue(Measurement) - Method in Measurement
cos(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (in radians).
counterIncrement(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Increments one or more counters
counterReset(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Creates or resets one or more counters
createWebkitMozOpera(Style) - Method in StyleGroup
cssFloat(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the horizontal alignment of an element
CSSPart - Interface in org.groocss
Represents part of a CSS file.
cubicBezier(def, def, def, def) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
Lets you define your own values in a cubic-bezier function
CurrentKeyFrameHolder - Trait in org.groocss
Contains the current KeyFrames object, used by dynamic method added to Integer class.
cursor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the type of cursor to display for the mouse pointer


darken(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
darker() - Method in Color
A new color with darker lumosity.
datalist(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Predefined options for other controls.
dd(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Description or value.
defaultPC(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :default.
del(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Deleted text.
delay(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionDelayDSL
delay(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
desaturate(float) - Method in Color
desaturate(Color, float) - Method in ColorMethods
Decrease the saturation of a color in the HSL color space by some amount (0-1).
details(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Control for additional on-demand information.
dfn(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Defining instance.
dialog(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Defines a dialog box or window.
direction(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the text direction
disabled(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :disabled.
display(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets an element's display type
div(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Generic flow container.
div(Number) - Method in Measurement
dl(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Description list.
dt(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Term or name.
duration(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionDSL


eachLine(Closure) - Method in Translator.Reader
ease(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
Specifies a transition effect with a slow start, then fast, then end slowly (this is default)
easeIn(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
Specifies a transition effect with a slow start
easeInOut(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
Specifies a transition effect with a slow start and end
easeOut(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
Specifies a transition effect with a slow end
em(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Emphatic stress.
embed(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Integration point for plugins.
empty(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :empty.
emptyCells(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether to show the border and background of empty cells, or not
enabled(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :enabled.
equals(def) - Method in Measurement
equals(def) - Method in Selectable
even(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: "nth-child(even)".
extend(String) - Method in StyleGroup
Finds an existing StyleGroup with given selector and appends [comma selector] to its selector.


fade(Color, float) - Method in ColorMethods
Sets the opacity of a Color to some amount (0-1).
fadein(Color, float) - Method in ColorMethods
Increase the saturation of a color by some amount (0-1).
fadeout(Color, float) - Method in ColorMethods
Decrease the saturation of a color by some amount (0-1).
fieldset(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Set of related form controls.
figcaption(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Figure caption.
figure(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Figure with optional caption.
filter(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets image filters (visual effects, like blur and saturation)
filter(def) - Method in Transition
Sets image filters (visual effects, like blur and saturation)
firstChild(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :first-child.
firstOfType(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :first-of-type.
flex(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the length of the item, relative to the rest
flex(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the length of the item, relative to the rest
flexBasis(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the initial length of a flexible item
flexBasis(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the initial length of a flexible item
flexDirection(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the direction of the flexible items
flexFlow(def) - Method in StyleGroup
A shorthand property for the flexDirection and the flexWrap properties
flexGrow(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how much the item will grow relative to the rest
flexGrow(def) - Method in Transition
Sets how much the item will grow relative to the rest
flexShrink(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how the item will shrink relative to the rest
flexShrink(def) - Method in Transition
Sets how the item will shrink relative to the rest
flexWrap(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether the flexible items should wrap or not
floor(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
focus(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :focus.
font(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, lineHeight, and fontFamily in one declaration
font(def) - Method in Transition
Sets fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, lineHeight, and fontFamily in one declaration
FontFace - Class in org.groocss
Represents an @font-face in CSS.
fontFace(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Creates a new @font-face element and runs given closure on it.
fontFamily(def) - Method in FontFace
Sets or returns the font family for text
fontFamily(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the font family for text
fontSize(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the font size of the text
fontSize(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the font size of the text
fontSizeAdjust(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Preserves the readability of text when font fallback occurs
fontStretch(def) - Method in FontFace
fontStretch(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font family
fontStyle(def) - Method in FontFace
Sets or returns whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique
fontStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique
fontStyle(def) - Method in Transition
Sets whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique
fontVariant(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether the font should be displayed in small capital letters
fontVariant(def) - Method in Transition
Sets whether the font should be displayed in small capital letters
fontWeight(def) - Method in FontFace
Sets or returns the boldness of the font
fontWeight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the boldness of the font
fontWeight(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the boldness of the font
footer(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
form(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
User-submittable form.
frame(List<Integer>, Closure) - Method in KeyFrames
Adds a "frame" block for given percents.
from(Closure) - Method in KeyFrames
Adds a "from" block.


get_() - Method in GrooCSS
getA() - Method in GrooCSS
getAbbr() - Method in GrooCSS
getActive() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :active.
getAddress() - Method in GrooCSS
getAliceBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getAlpha() - Method in Color
Alpha of this color as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.
getAntiqueWhite() - Method in ColorMethods
getAqua() - Method in ColorMethods
getAquamarine() - Method in ColorMethods
getArea() - Method in GrooCSS
getArticle() - Method in GrooCSS
getAside() - Method in GrooCSS
getAt(String) - Method in Selector
Allows attribute selector to create a new Element.
getAt(int) - Method in StyleGroup.Styles
getAudio() - Method in GrooCSS
getAzure() - Method in ColorMethods
getB() - Method in GrooCSS
getBase() - Method in GrooCSS
getBdi() - Method in GrooCSS
getBdo() - Method in GrooCSS
getBeige() - Method in ColorMethods
getBisque() - Method in ColorMethods
getBlack() - Method in ColorMethods
getBlanchedAlmond() - Method in ColorMethods
getBlockquote() - Method in GrooCSS
getBlue() - Method in Color
Blue channel 0-255.
getBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getBlueViolet() - Method in ColorMethods
getBody() - Method in GrooCSS
getBr() - Method in GrooCSS
getBrightness() - Method in Color
getBrown() - Method in ColorMethods
getBurlyWood() - Method in ColorMethods
getButton() - Method in GrooCSS
getCadetBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getCanvas() - Method in GrooCSS
getCaption() - Method in GrooCSS
getCh(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getChartreuse() - Method in ColorMethods
getChecked() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :checked.
getChocolate() - Method in ColorMethods
getCite() - Method in GrooCSS
getCm(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getCode() - Method in GrooCSS
getCol() - Method in GrooCSS
getColgroup() - Method in GrooCSS
getColor(Integer) - Method in NumberExtension
Useful for colors: allows 0xaabbcc.color syntax (color hex value).
getColor(String) - Method in StringExtension
Useful for colors: allows 'aabbcc'.color or even 'abc'.color syntax (color hex value).
getCommand() - Method in GrooCSS
getCoral() - Method in ColorMethods
getCornflowerBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getCornsilk() - Method in ColorMethods
getCrimson() - Method in ColorMethods
getCurrentKeyFrames() - Method in MediaCSS
getCyan() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkCyan() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkGoldenRod() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkGray() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkGrey() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkKhaki() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkMagenta() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkOliveGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkorange() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkOrchid() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkRed() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkSalmon() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkSeaGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkSlateBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkSlateGray() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkSlateGrey() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkTurquoise() - Method in ColorMethods
getDarkViolet() - Method in ColorMethods
getDatalist() - Method in GrooCSS
getDd() - Method in GrooCSS
getDeepPink() - Method in ColorMethods
getDeepSkyBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getDefault() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :default.
getDeg(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getDel() - Method in GrooCSS
getDetails() - Method in GrooCSS
getDfn() - Method in GrooCSS
getDimGray() - Method in ColorMethods
getDimGrey() - Method in ColorMethods
getDisabled() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :disabled.
getDiv() - Method in GrooCSS
getDl() - Method in GrooCSS
getDodgerBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getDt() - Method in GrooCSS
getEm() - Method in GrooCSS
getEm(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getEmbed() - Method in GrooCSS
getEmpty() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :empty.
getEnabled() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :enabled.
getEven() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :nth-child(even).
getEx(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getFieldset() - Method in GrooCSS
getFigcaption() - Method in GrooCSS
getFigure() - Method in GrooCSS
getFireBrick() - Method in ColorMethods
getFirstChild() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :first-child.
getFirstOfType() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :first-of-type.
getFloralWhite() - Method in ColorMethods
getFocus() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :focus.
getFooter() - Method in GrooCSS
getForestGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getForm() - Method in GrooCSS
getFuchsia() - Method in ColorMethods
getGainsboro() - Method in ColorMethods
getGhostWhite() - Method in ColorMethods
getGold() - Method in ColorMethods
getGoldenRod() - Method in ColorMethods
getGray() - Method in ColorMethods
getGreen() - Method in Color
Green channel 0-255.
getGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getGreenYellow() - Method in ColorMethods
getGrey() - Method in ColorMethods
getH1() - Method in GrooCSS
getH2() - Method in GrooCSS
getH3() - Method in GrooCSS
getH4() - Method in GrooCSS
getH5() - Method in GrooCSS
getH6() - Method in GrooCSS
getHeader() - Method in GrooCSS
getHgroup() - Method in GrooCSS
getHoneyDew() - Method in ColorMethods
getHotPink() - Method in ColorMethods
getHover() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :hover.
getHr() - Method in GrooCSS
getHtml() - Method in GrooCSS
getHue() - Method in Color
Gets Hue component of color as a number 0-360.
getI() - Method in GrooCSS
getIframe() - Method in GrooCSS
getImageHeight(String) - Method in GrooCSS
getImageSize(String) - Method in GrooCSS
getImageWidth(String) - Method in GrooCSS
getImg() - Method in GrooCSS
getIn(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getIndeterminate() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :indeterminate.
getIndianRed() - Method in ColorMethods
getIndigo() - Method in ColorMethods
getInput() - Method in GrooCSS
getInRange() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :in-range.
getIns() - Method in GrooCSS
getInvalid() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :invalid.
getIso8859() - Method in GrooCSS
getIvory() - Method in ColorMethods
getKbd() - Method in GrooCSS
getKeygen() - Method in GrooCSS
getKhaki() - Method in ColorMethods
getLabel() - Method in GrooCSS
getLastChild() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :last-child.
getLastOfType() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :last-of-type.
getLavender() - Method in ColorMethods
getLavenderBlush() - Method in ColorMethods
getLawnGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getLegend() - Method in GrooCSS
getLemonChiffon() - Method in ColorMethods
getLi() - Method in GrooCSS
getLightBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightCoral() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightCyan() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightGoldenRodYellow() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightGray() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightGrey() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightPink() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightSalmon() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightSeaGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightSkyBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightSlateGray() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightSlateGrey() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightSteelBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getLightYellow() - Method in ColorMethods
getLime() - Method in ColorMethods
getLimeGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getLinen() - Method in ColorMethods
getLink() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :link.
getM(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getMagenta() - Method in ColorMethods
getMain() - Method in GrooCSS
getMap() - Method in GrooCSS
getMark() - Method in GrooCSS
getMaroon() - Method in ColorMethods
getMath() - Method in GrooCSS
getMediumAquaMarine() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumOrchid() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumPurple() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumSeaGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumSlateBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumSpringGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumTurquoise() - Method in ColorMethods
getMediumVioletRed() - Method in ColorMethods
getMenu() - Method in GrooCSS
getMeter() - Method in GrooCSS
getMidnightBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getMintCream() - Method in ColorMethods
getMistyRose() - Method in ColorMethods
getMm(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getMoccasin() - Method in ColorMethods
getMs(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getNav() - Method in GrooCSS
getNavajoWhite() - Method in ColorMethods
getNavy() - Method in ColorMethods
getNoscript() - Method in GrooCSS
getObject() - Method in GrooCSS
getOdd() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :nth-child(odd).
getOl() - Method in GrooCSS
getOldLace() - Method in ColorMethods
getOlive() - Method in ColorMethods
getOliveDrab() - Method in ColorMethods
getOnlyChild() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :only-child.
getOnlyOfType() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :only-of-type.
getOptgroup() - Method in GrooCSS
getOption() - Method in GrooCSS
getOptional() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :optional.
getOrange() - Method in ColorMethods
getOrangeRed() - Method in ColorMethods
getOrchid() - Method in ColorMethods
getOutOfRange() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :out-of-range.
getOutput() - Method in GrooCSS
getP() - Method in GrooCSS
getPaleGoldenRod() - Method in ColorMethods
getPaleGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getPaleTurquoise() - Method in ColorMethods
getPaleVioletRed() - Method in ColorMethods
getPapayaWhip() - Method in ColorMethods
getParam() - Method in GrooCSS
getPc(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getPeachPuff() - Method in ColorMethods
getPeru() - Method in ColorMethods
getPink() - Method in ColorMethods
getPlum() - Method in ColorMethods
getPowderBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getPre() - Method in GrooCSS
getProgress() - Method in GrooCSS
getPt(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getPurple() - Method in ColorMethods
getPx(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getQ() - Method in GrooCSS
getRad(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getReadOnly() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :read-only.
getReadWrite() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :read-write.
getRed() - Method in Color
Red channel 0-255.
getRed() - Method in ColorMethods
getRem(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getRequired() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :required.
getRoot() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :root.
getRosyBrown() - Method in ColorMethods
getRoyalBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getRp() - Method in GrooCSS
getRt() - Method in GrooCSS
getRuby() - Method in GrooCSS
getS() - Method in GrooCSS
getS(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getSaddleBrown() - Method in ColorMethods
getSalmon() - Method in ColorMethods
getSamp() - Method in GrooCSS
getSandyBrown() - Method in ColorMethods
getSaturation() - Method in Color
getScript() - Method in GrooCSS
getSeaGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getSeaShell() - Method in ColorMethods
getSection() - Method in GrooCSS
getSelect() - Method in GrooCSS
getSienna() - Method in ColorMethods
getSilver() - Method in ColorMethods
getSkyBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getSlateBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getSlateGray() - Method in ColorMethods
getSlateGrey() - Method in ColorMethods
getSmall() - Method in GrooCSS
getSnow() - Method in ColorMethods
getSource() - Method in GrooCSS
getSpan() - Method in GrooCSS
getSpringGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
getSteelBlue() - Method in ColorMethods
getStrong() - Method in GrooCSS
getStyle() - Method in GrooCSS
getSub() - Method in GrooCSS
getSummary() - Method in GrooCSS
getSup() - Method in GrooCSS
getSvg() - Method in GrooCSS
getTable() - Method in GrooCSS
getTan() - Method in ColorMethods
getTarget() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :target.
getTbody() - Method in GrooCSS
getTd() - Method in GrooCSS
getTeal() - Method in ColorMethods
getTextarea() - Method in GrooCSS
getTfoot() - Method in GrooCSS
getTh() - Method in GrooCSS
getThead() - Method in GrooCSS
getThistle() - Method in ColorMethods
getTime() - Method in GrooCSS
getTitle() - Method in GrooCSS
getTomato() - Method in ColorMethods
getTr() - Method in GrooCSS
getTrack() - Method in GrooCSS
getTurquoise() - Method in ColorMethods
getU() - Method in GrooCSS
getUl() - Method in GrooCSS
getUnit(def) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns units of a number.
getUrl(String) - Method in StringExtension
Useful for image urls: allows 'images/image.png'.url syntax.
getUtf16() - Method in GrooCSS
getUtf8() - Method in GrooCSS
getValid() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :valid.
getValue() - Method in Selector
getValue() - Method in Transition
getVar() - Method in GrooCSS
getVh(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getVideo() - Method in GrooCSS
getViolet() - Method in ColorMethods
getVisited() - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :visited.
getVmax(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getVmin(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getVw(Number) - Method in NumberExtension
getWbr() - Method in GrooCSS
getWheat() - Method in ColorMethods
getWhite() - Method in ColorMethods
getWhiteSmoke() - Method in ColorMethods
getYellow() - Method in ColorMethods
getYellowGreen() - Method in ColorMethods
grayscale(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Remove all saturation from a color in the HSL color space; the same as calling desaturate(color, 1).
green(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Gets the Green component (0-255).
greyscale(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Remove all saturation from a color in the HSL color space; the same as calling desaturate(color, 1).
GrooCSS - Class in org.groocss
Entrance to DSL for converting code into CSS.
GrooCSS.Configurer - Class in org.groocss
GrooCSS(Config) - Constructor in GrooCSS
groocss(String, Config, Closure) - Method in StringExtension
Useful for starting a GrooCSS DSL without importing anything ('main.css'.groocss { CSS DSL }).


h1(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
h2(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
h3(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
h4(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
h5(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
h6(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
hangingPunctuation(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Specifies whether a punctuation character may be placed outside the line box
hashCode() - Method in Measurement
hashCode() - Method in Selectable
head(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Document metadata container.
header(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
height(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the height of an element
height(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the height of an element
hgroup(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Heading group.
hover(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :hover.
hr(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Thematic break.
hsl(int, double, double) - Method in ColorMethods
Creates an opaque color object from hue (0-360), saturation(0-1), and lightness(0-1) (HSL) values.
hsla(int, double, double, double) - Method in ColorMethods
Creates an opaque color object from hue (0-360), saturation(0-1), and lightness(0-1) (HSL) values.
html(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Root element.
hue(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Gets the Hue component (0-1) of HSL.
hyphens(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how to split words to improve the layout of paragraphs


i(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Offset text conventionally styled in italic.
icon(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Provides the author the ability to style an element with an iconic equivalent
id(String, Closure) - Method in StringExtension
Used for creating style-groups using id selector: allows 'your_id'.id {} syntax.
iframe(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Nested browsing context (inline frame).
imageOrientation(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Specifies a rotation in the right or clockwise direction that a user agent applies to an image
img(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
importFile(Map, File) - Method in GrooCSS
Imports given Groocss file.
importReader(Map, Reader) - Method in GrooCSS
Imports given Groocss input using given Reader.
importStream(Map, InputStream) - Method in GrooCSS
Imports given Groocss file using given InputStream.
importString(Map, String) - Method in GrooCSS
Imports given Groocss.
indeterminate(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :indeterminate.
input(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Input control.
inputButton(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
inputCheckbox(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
inputColor(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Color-well control.
inputDate(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Date input control.
inputDatetime(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Global date-and-time input control.
inputDatetimeLocal(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Local date-and-time input control.
inputEmail(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
E-mail address input control.
inputFile(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
File upload control.
inputHidden(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Hidden input control.
inputImage(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Image-coordinates input control.
inputMonth(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Year-and-month input control.
inputNumber(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Number input control.
inputPassword(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Password-input field.
inputRadio(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Radio button.
inputRange(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Imprecise number-input control.
inputReset(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Reset button.
inputSearch(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Search field.
inputSubmit(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Submit button.
inputTel(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Telephone-number-input field.
inputText(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Text-input field.
inputTime(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Time input control.
inputUrl(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
URL input control.
inputWeek(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Year-and-week input control.
inRange(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :in-range.
ins(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Inserted text.
invalid(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :invalid.
isDistance() - Method in Measurement
Is a distance measurement (pt,pc,in,mm,cm,m).
isEmpty() - Method in Comment
isEmpty() - Method in CSSPart
Whether or not this part is empty and can be ignored.
isEmpty() - Method in FontFace
isEmpty() - Method in KeyFrames
isEmpty() - Method in MediaCSS
isEmpty() - Method in Raw
isEmpty() - Method in StyleGroup
Reports true if both styleList and transform are empty.
isEmpty() - Method in Transition
isPercent() - Method in Measurement
Is a percentage.
isPixel() - Method in Measurement
Unit is pixel.
isRelative() - Method in Measurement
Relative length units.
isTime() - Method in Measurement
Is a time measurement (s, ms).
isTrig() - Method in Measurement
isZero() - Method in Measurement


justifyContent(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the alignment between the items inside a flexible container when the items do not use all available space.


kbd(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
User input.
KeyFrames - Class in org.groocss
Represents a keyframes block in CSS.
keyframes(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
keyframes(String, Closure) - Method in StringExtension
Used for creating keyframes using name.
keygen(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Key-pair generator/input control.
kf(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Creates a new KeyFrames element and runs given closure on it.
kf(String, Closure) - Method in StringExtension
Used for creating keyframes using name.


label(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Caption for a form control.
lang(def) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :lang.
lastChild(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :last-child.
lastOfType(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :last-of-type.
left(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the left position of a positioned element
left(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the left position of a positioned element
leftShift(Style) - Method in FontFace
Adds a Style to this FontFace.
leftShift(StyleGroup) - Method in KeyFrames
Adds a StyleGroup to this keyframes.
leftShift(Collection<? extends CSSPart>) - Method in MediaCSS
leftShift(StyleGroup) - Method in StyleGroup
Synonymous to add.
leftShift(Style) - Method in StyleGroup.Styles
legend(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Title or explanatory caption.
letterSpacing(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the space between characters in a text
letterSpacing(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the space between characters in a text
li(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
List item.
lighten(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
linear(def) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
Specifies a transition effect with the same speed from start to end
lineHeight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the distance between lines in a text
lineHeight(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the distance between lines in a text
link(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Inter-document relationship metadata.
linkPseudoClass(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :link.
listStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets listStyleImage, listStylePosition, and listStyleType in one declaration
listStyleImage(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets an image as the list-item marker
listStylePosition(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the position of the list-item marker
listStyleType(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the list-item marker type
log10(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a double value.
log(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a double value.


Main - Class in org.groocss
Created by adavis on 8/9/17.
main(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Main definition.
main(String) - Method in Main
map(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Image-map definition.
margin(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the margins of an element (can have up to four values)
margin(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the margins of an element (can have up to four durationVals)
marginBottom(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the bottom margin of an element
marginBottom(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the bottom margin of an element
marginLeft(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the left margin of an element
marginLeft(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the left margin of an element
marginRight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the right margin of an element
marginRight(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the right margin of an element
marginTop(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the top margin of an element
marginTop(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the top margin of an element
mark(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Marked (highlighted) text.
math(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Math element.
matrix3d(def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D transformation, using a 4x4 matrix of 16 values.
matrix(def, def, def, def, def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 2D transformation, using a matrix of six values.
maxHeight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the maximum height of an element
maxHeight(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the maximum height of an element
maxWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the maximum width of an element
maxWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the maximum width of an element
Measurement - Class in org.groocss
Represents some type of number value with a unit, such as 2 seconds or 20 pixels.
Measurement(Number, String) - Constructor in Measurement
media(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
media(String, Closure) - Method in StringExtension
MediaCSS - Class in org.groocss
Root node for CSS which might be characterized by a media type.
MediaCSS(CurrentKeyFrameHolder, String, Config) - Constructor in MediaCSS
menu(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
List of commands.
meter(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Scalar gauge.
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in MediaCSS
methodMissing(String, def) - Method in Selector
Creates a new StyleGroup using the missing methodName as the styleClass.
minHeight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the minimum height of an element
minHeight(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the minimum height of an element
minus(Measurement) - Method in Measurement
minus(def) - Method in Selector
minus(StyleGroup) - Method in StyleGroup
Creates a new StyleGroup with all styles from given StyleGroup removed.
minWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the minimum width of an element
minWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the minimum width of an element
mix(Color, double) - Method in Color
Returns a copy of this color mixed with other Color with optional 0-1 weight value.
mix(Color, Color, double) - Method in ColorMethods
Mixes two colors.
mod(Number) - Method in Measurement
mod(Integer, Closure) - Method in NumberExtension
Used within keyframes block such as 50% { opacity: 1 }.
mod(PseudoClass) - Method in PseudoClass
Allows chainable pseudo-classes (%active %hover becomes :active:hover).
mod(StyleGroup) - Method in Selector
Prepends the value of this selector to the given styleGroup's selector.
multiply(Number) - Method in Measurement
multiply(def) - Method in Selector


nameToCamel(String) - Method in Translator
nav(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Group of navigational links.
navDown(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets where to navigate when using the arrow-down navigation key
navIndex(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the tabbing order for an element
navLeft(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets where to navigate when using the arrow-left navigation key
navRight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets where to navigate when using the arrow-right navigation key
navUp(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets where to navigate when using the arrow-up navigation key
negative() - Method in Measurement
newElement(String) - Method in GrooCSS
newInstance() - Method in Transition
newPseudoClass(String) - Method in GrooCSS
noExts() - Method in Config
Sets all extension adding flags to false.
noscript(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Fallback content for script.
not(def) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :not().
nthChild(def) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :nth-child.
nthLastChild(def) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :nth-last-child.
nthLastOfType(def) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :nth-last-of-type.
nthOfType(def) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :nth-of-type.
NumberExtension - Class in org.groocss.ext
Extends Number and Integer classes allowing creation of Measurements, Colors and Keyframes from numbers.


object(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Generic external content.
odd(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: "nth-child(odd)".
ol(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Ordered list.
onlyChild(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :only-child.
onlyMoz() - Method in Config
Sets all extension adding flags to false except moz.
onlyMs() - Method in Config
Sets all extension adding flags to false except ms.
onlyOfType(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :only-of-type.
onlyOpera() - Method in Config
Sets all extension adding flags to false except opera.
onlyWebkit() - Method in Config
Sets all extension adding flags to false except webkit.
opacity(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the opacity level for an element
opacity(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the opacity level for an element
optgroup(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Group of options.
option(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
optional(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :optional.
or(def) - Method in Selector
order(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the order of the flexible item, relative to the rest
order(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the order of the flexible item, relative to the rest
orphans(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the minimum number of lines for an element that must be left at the bottom of a page when a page break occurs inside an element
outline(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets all the outline properties in one declaration
outline(def) - Method in Transition
Sets all the outline properties in one declaration
outlineColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the outline around a element
outlineColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the outline around a element
outlineOffset(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Offsets an outline, and draws it beyond the border edge
outlineOffset(def) - Method in Transition
Offsets an outline, and draws it beyond the border edge
outlineStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of the outline around an element
outlineWidth(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of the outline around an element
outlineWidth(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of the outline around an element
outOfRange(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :out-of-range.
output(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Result of a calculation in a form.
overflow(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets what to do with content that renders outside the element box
overflowX(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Specifies what to do with the left/right edges of the content, if it overflows the element's content area
overflowY(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Specifies what to do with the top/bottom edges of the content, if it overflows the element's content area


p(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
padding(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the padding of an element (can have up to four values)
padding(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the padding of an element (can have up to four durationVals)
paddingBottom(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the bottom padding of an element
paddingBottom(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the bottom padding of an element
paddingLeft(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the left padding of an element
paddingLeft(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the left padding of an element
paddingRight(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the right padding of an element
paddingRight(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the right padding of an element
paddingTop(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the top padding of an element
paddingTop(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the top padding of an element
pageBreakAfter(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the page-break behavior after an element
pageBreakBefore(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the page-break behavior before an element
pageBreakInside(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the page-break behavior inside an element
param(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Initialization parameters for plugins.
perspective(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the perspective on how 3D elements are viewed
perspective(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the perspective on how 3D elements are viewed
perspectiveOrigin(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the bottom position of 3D elements
perspectiveOrigin(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the bottom position of 3D elements
plus(Measurement) - Method in Measurement
plus(def) - Method in Selector
plus(StyleGroup) - Method in StyleGroup
Creates a new StyleGroup with all styles from given StyleGroup and this StyleGroup.
position(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute or fixed)
pow(Number, Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.
power(Number) - Method in Measurement
pre(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Preformatted text.
prettyPrint() - Method in Config
Sets the prettyPrint flag to true.
println(Object) - Method in Translator.Printer
process(Config, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Processes the given closure with given optional config.
process(String, String) - Method in GrooCSS.Configurer
Processes a given groocss string and outputs as CSS string.
processPseudo(String) - Method in Translator
processSelector(String) - Method in Translator
progress(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Progress indicator.
property(Transition.TransitionProperty) - Method in Transition
propertyMissing(String) - Method in MediaCSS
Allows _.styleClass syntax to be used anywhere selectors are used.
propertyMissing(String) - Method in Selector
Creates a new Selector using the missing property name as the styleClass.
PseudoClass - Class in org.groocss
Represents a CSS pseudo-class such as :active, :focus, or :nthChild(odd).
PseudoClass.StyleGroup - Class in org.groocss
Only here to restrict the DSL so that pseudo-class is used properly.
putAt(String, def) - Method in Selector
Allows CSS-like syntax using attribute selectors.


q(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Quoted text.
quotes(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the type of quotation marks for embedded quotations


Raw - Class in org.groocss
Created by adavis on 8/9/17.
raw(String) - Method in GrooCSS
readOnly(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :read-only.
readWrite(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :read-write.
red(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Gets the Red component (0-255).
removeAll(Collection<Style>) - Method in StyleGroup.Styles
required(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :required.
resetSelector(String) - Method in Selectable
Fluent way to set the selector and return this entity.
resize(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether or not an element is resizable by the user
rgb(int, int, int) - Method in ColorMethods
Creates a new Color object from red,green,blue (0-255) values.
rgba(int, int, int, double) - Method in ColorMethods
Creates a new Color object from red,green,blue (0-255),alpha (0-1) values.
right(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the right position of a positioned element
right(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the right position of a positioned element
rightShift(def) - Method in Selector
root(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :root.
rotate3d(def, def, def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D rotation.
rotate(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 2D rotation, the angle is specified in the parameter.
rotateX(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D rotation along the X-axis.
rotateY(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D rotation along the Y-axis.
rotateZ(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D rotation along the Z-axis.
rp(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Ruby parenthesis.
rt(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Ruby text.
ruby(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Ruby annotation.
run() - Method in GrooCSS
runBlock(Config, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Processes the given closure with given optional config.
runBlock(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS.Configurer
Processes the given closure with built config.


s(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Struck text.
samp(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
(sample) output.
saturate(float) - Method in Color
saturate(Color, float) - Method in ColorMethods
Increase the saturation of a color in the HSL color space by some amount (0-1).
saturation(Color) - Method in ColorMethods
Gets the Saturation component (0-1) of HSL.
scale3d(def, def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D scale transformation.
scale(def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 2D scale transformation.
scaleX(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a scale transformation by giving a value for the X-axis.
scaleY(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a scale transformation by giving a value for the Y-axis.
scaleZ(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D scale transformation by giving a value for the Z-axis.
section(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
sel(Selector, Closure<StyleGroup>) - Method in GrooCSS
Creates a new StyleGroup element and runs given closure on it.
sel(String, Closure<StyleGroup>, boolean) - Method in MediaCSS
Creates a new StyleGroup element and runs given closure on it.
sel(String, Closure) - Method in Selector
Creates a new StyleGroup element and runs given closure on it.
select(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Option-selection form control.
Selectable - Class in org.groocss
Anything that has a selector.
Selector - Class in org.groocss
Class representing HTML5 element used by DSL.
Selector(String, MediaCSS) - Constructor in Selector
setColor(String) - Method in Color
setConfig(Config) - Method in GrooCSS
Makes sure that config passes through to root css.
setCurrentKeyFrames(KeyFrames) - Method in MediaCSS
setDelay(def) - Method in Transition
Overridden to validate value if its a Measurement.
setDuration(def) - Method in Transition
Overridden to validate value if its a Measurement.
setValue(String) - Method in Selector
sg(List, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Creates a new StyleGroup element, with all selectors in the given list joined with commas.
sg(String, Closure) - Method in MediaCSS
Creates a new StyleGroup element and runs given closure on it.
sg(String, Closure) - Method in Selector
Creates a new StyleGroup element and runs given closure on it.
sg(String, Closure) - Method in StringExtension
Used for creating style-groups using selector: allows 'body div.style'.sg {} syntax.
shade(Color, double) - Method in ColorMethods
Mix color with black with optional weight (defaults to half).
sin(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (in radians).
skew(def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 2D skew transformation along the X- and the Y-axis.
skewX(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 2D skew transformation along the X-axis.
skewY(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 2D skew transformation along the Y-axis.
small(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Small print.
source(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Media source.
span(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Generic span.
sqrt(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value.
src(def) - Method in FontFace
StringExtension - Class in org.groocss.ext
Provides string extensions for GrooCSS to allow for static compilation and code completion.
stringify(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Converts number to string in a sensible format.
strong(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Strong importance.
Style - Class in org.groocss
Represents a CSS style.
style(String, Object) - Method in GrooCSS
Creates a Style with given name and value.
StyleGroup - Class in org.groocss
A group of styles as represented in a CSS file.
StyleGroup.Styles - Class in org.groocss
StyleGroup(String, Config, MediaCSS) - Constructor in StyleGroup
styles(Closure<StyleGroup>) - Method in GrooCSS
Creates an unattached StyleGroup object, useful for adding Styles to a StyleGroup conditionally or for reusing a group of styles several times.
sub(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
subselect(String) - Method in StyleGroup
Appends the given text to the selector.
summary(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Summary, caption, or legend for a details control.
sup(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
svg(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Scalable vector graphics.


table(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
tableLayout(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the way to lay out table cells, rows, and columns
tabSize(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the length of the tab-character
tan(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle (in radians).
target(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :target.
tbody(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table row group.
td(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table cell.
textAlign(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the horizontal alignment of text
textAlignLast(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break is aligned when text-align is ""justify""
textarea(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Text input area.
textDecoration(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the decoration of a text
textDecorationColor(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the color of the text-decoration
textDecorationColor(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the color of the text-decoration
textDecorationLine(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the type of line in a text-decoration
textDecorationStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the style of the line in a text decoration
textIndent(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the indentation of the first line of text
textIndent(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the indentation of the first line of text
textJustify(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the justification method used when text-align is ""justify""
textOverflow(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets what should happen when text overflows the containing element
textShadow(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the shadow effect of a text
textShadow(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the shadow effect of a text
textTransform(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the capitalization of a text
tfoot(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table footer row group.
th(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table header cell.
thead(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table heading group.
time(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Date and/or time.
timingFunction(TransitionTimingFunction) - Method in Transition.TransitionTimingDSL
Specify the timing-function using the given enum.
tint(Color, double) - Method in ColorMethods
Mix color with white with optional weight (defaults to half).
title(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Document title.
to(Closure) - Method in KeyFrames
Adds a "to" block.
toColor(Integer) - Method in NumberExtension
Useful for colors: allows 0xaabbcc.toColor() syntax (color hex value).
toColor(String) - Method in StringExtension
toDashed(String) - Method in Style
toDegrees(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees.
toDegrees(Number) - Method in Measurement
Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees.
toHex() - Method in Color
top(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the top position of a positioned element
top(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the top position of a positioned element
toRadians(Number) - Method in GrooCSS
Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.
toRadians(Number) - Method in Measurement
Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.
toString() - Method in Color
toString() - Method in Comment
toString() - Method in FontFace
toString() - Method in GrooCSS
toString() - Method in KeyFrames
toString() - Method in Measurement
toString() - Method in MediaCSS
toString() - Method in PseudoClass
toString() - Method in Raw
toString() - Method in Selectable
toString() - Method in Selector
toString() - Method in Style
toString() - Method in StyleGroup
toString() - Method in Transition
tr(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Table row.
track(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Supplementary media track.
transform(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element
transform(def) - Method in Transition
Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element
transformOrigin(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the position of transformed elements
transformOrigin(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the position of transformed elements
transformStyle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how nested elements are rendered in 3D space
Transition - Class in org.groocss
Created by adavis on 10/20/17.
Transition.TransitionDelayDSL - Interface in org.groocss
Transition.TransitionDSL - Class in org.groocss
Transition.TransitionProperty - Enum in org.groocss
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL - Class in org.groocss
Transition.TransitionTimingFunction - Enum in org.groocss
transition(Closure) - Method in StyleGroup
A DSL for creating a Transition with more than one closure.
transitionDelay(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets when the transition effect will start
transitionDuration(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how many seconds or milliseconds a transition effect takes to complete
transitionProperty(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the CSS property that the transition effect is for
transitionTimingFunction(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the speed curve of the transition effect
translate3d(def, def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D translation.
translate(def, def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 2D translation.
translateX(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a translation, using only the value for the X-axis.
translateY(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a translation, using only the value for the Y-axis.
translateZ(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Defines a 3D translation, using only the value for the Z-axis.
Translator - Class in org.groocss
Translates from/to CSS.
Translator.Printer - Interface in org.groocss
Translator.Reader - Interface in org.groocss


u(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Offset text conventionally styled with an underline.
ul(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Unordered list.
unicodeBidi(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same document
unicodeRange(def) - Method in FontFace
unit(def, def) - Method in GrooCSS
Remove or change the unit of a dimension.
useAsClass(String) - Method in Config
Add one Element-name, like 'link', that you only want to use as CSS class.
useAsClasses(Collection) - Method in Config
Add Element-names, like 'link', that you only want to use as CSS classes.
utf8() - Method in Config
Sets the charset to UTF-8.


valid(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :valid.
validateAngle(def) - Method in StyleGroup
validateCubics(Object) - Method in Transition
Validates given values are between zero and one.
validateLength(def) - Method in StyleGroup
validateTime(def) - Method in StyleGroup
var(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Variable or placeholder text.
verticalAlign(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the vertical alignment of the content in an element
verticalAlign(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the vertical alignment of the content in an element
video(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
visibility(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets whether an element should be visible
visibility(def) - Method in Transition
Sets whether an element should be visible
visited(Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
Pseudo-class: :visited.


wbr(Selectable) - Method in GrooCSS
Line-break opportunity.
whiteSpace(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets how to handle tabs, line breaks and whitespace in a text
widows(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the minimum number of lines for an element that must be visible at the top of a page
width(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the width of an element
width(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the width of an element
withClass(String, Closure) - Method in Selector
Creates a new StyleGroup element with given style class and runs given closure on it.
withConfig(Closure<Configurer>) - Method in GrooCSS
withPseudoClass(String, Closure) - Method in GrooCSS
withPseudoClass(String, Closure) - Method in Selector
Creates a new StyleGroup element with given pseudoClass and runs given closure on it.
wordBreak(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets line breaking rules for non-CJK scripts
wordSpacing(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the spacing between words in a text
wordSpacing(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the spacing between words in a text
wordWrap(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Allows long, unbreakable words to be broken and wrap to the next line
writeTo(File) - Method in GrooCSS
Writes the CSS to the given file.
writeTo(Appendable) - Method in MediaCSS
writeToFile(String) - Method in GrooCSS
Writes the CSS to the given file.


xor(def) - Method in Selector



zIndex(def) - Method in StyleGroup
Sets the stack order of a positioned element
zIndex(def) - Method in Transition
Sets the stack order of a positioned element


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