Controls Color for CSS styles and has methods for brighter, darker, etc.
Colors can be created using many different methods:
The final CSS result from a Color depends on how it was created and what methods were called on it. For example, if Color.alpha is used, the output color uses rgba.
Methods from ColorMethods are available to modify Colors.
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
Color |
alpha(double alpha) Returns a copy of this color but with given 0-1 alpha value. |
Color |
brighter() A new color with brighter lumosity. |
Color |
darker() A new color with darker lumosity. |
Color |
desaturate(float percent) |
double |
getAlpha() Alpha of this color as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive. |
int |
getBlue() Blue channel 0-255. |
float |
getBrightness() |
int |
getGreen() Green channel 0-255. |
int |
getHue() Gets Hue component of color as a number 0-360. |
int |
getRed() Red channel 0-255. |
float |
getSaturation() |
Color |
mix(Color color2, double w = 0.5) Returns a copy of this color mixed with other Color with optional 0-1 weight value. |
Color |
saturate(float percent) |
void |
setColor(String colorStr) |
String |
toHex() |
String |
toString() |
Returns a copy of this color but with given 0-1 alpha value.
A new color with brighter lumosity.
A new color with darker lumosity.
Alpha of this color as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.
Blue channel 0-255.
Green channel 0-255.
Gets Hue component of color as a number 0-360.
Red channel 0-255.
Returns a copy of this color mixed with other Color with optional 0-1 weight value.
Groovy Documentation