Modifiers | Name | Description |
class |
Transition.TransitionDSL |
interface |
Transition.TransitionDelayDSL |
static enum |
Transition.TransitionProperty |
class |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
static enum |
Transition.TransitionTimingFunction |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
background(def durationVal) Sets all the background properties in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
backgroundColor(def durationVal) Sets the background-color of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
backgroundPosition(def durationVal) Sets the starting position of a background-image |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
backgroundSize(def durationVal) Sets the size of the background image |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
border(def durationVal) Sets borderWidth, borderStyle, and borderColor in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderBottom(def durationVal) Sets all the borderBottom* properties in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderBottomColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of the bottom border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderBottomLeftRadius(def durationVal) Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-left corner |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderBottomRightRadius(def durationVal) Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-right corner |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderBottomWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the bottom border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of an element's border (can have up to four durationVals) |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderLeft(def durationVal) Sets all the borderLeft* properties in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderLeftColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of the left border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderLeftWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the left border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderRight(def durationVal) Sets all the borderRight* properties in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderRightColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of the right border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderRightWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the right border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderSpacing(def durationVal) Sets the space between cells in a table |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderTop(def durationVal) Sets all the borderTop* properties in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderTopColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of the top border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderTopLeftRadius(def durationVal) Sets the shape of the border of the top-left corner |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderTopRightRadius(def durationVal) Sets the shape of the border of the top-right corner |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderTopWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the top border |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
borderWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the border. |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
bottom(def durationVal) Sets the bottom position of a positioned element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
boxShadow(def durationVal) Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
clip(def durationVal) Sets which part of a positioned element is visible |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
color(def durationVal) Sets the color of the text |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
columnCount(def durationVal) Sets the number of columns an element should be divided into |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
columnGap(def durationVal) Sets the gap between the columns |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
columnRule(def durationVal) A shorthand property for setting or returning all the columnRule* properties |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
columnRuleColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of the rule between columns |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
columnRuleWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the rule between columns |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
columnWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the columns |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
columns(def durationVal) A shorthand property for setting or returning columnWidth and columnCount |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
filter(def durationVal) Sets image filters (visual effects, like blur and saturation) |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
flex(def durationVal) Sets the length of the item, relative to the rest |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
flexBasis(def durationVal) Sets the initial length of a flexible item |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
flexGrow(def durationVal) Sets how much the item will grow relative to the rest |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
flexShrink(def durationVal) Sets how the item will shrink relative to the rest |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
font(def durationVal) Sets fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, lineHeight, and fontFamily in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
fontSize(def durationVal) Sets the font size of the text |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
fontStyle(def durationVal) Sets whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
fontVariant(def durationVal) Sets whether the font should be displayed in small capital letters |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
fontWeight(def durationVal) Sets the boldness of the font |
String |
getValue() |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
height(def durationVal) Sets the height of an element |
boolean |
isEmpty() |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
left(def durationVal) Sets the left position of a positioned element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
letterSpacing(def durationVal) Sets the space between characters in a text |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
lineHeight(def durationVal) Sets the distance between lines in a text |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
margin(def durationVal) Sets the margins of an element (can have up to four durationVals) |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
marginBottom(def durationVal) Sets the bottom margin of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
marginLeft(def durationVal) Sets the left margin of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
marginRight(def durationVal) Sets the right margin of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
marginTop(def durationVal) Sets the top margin of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
maxHeight(def durationVal) Sets the maximum height of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
maxWidth(def durationVal) Sets the maximum width of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
minHeight(def durationVal) Sets the minimum height of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
minWidth(def durationVal) Sets the minimum width of an element |
static Transition |
newInstance() |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
opacity(def durationVal) Sets the opacity level for an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
order(def durationVal) Sets the order of the flexible item, relative to the rest |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
outline(def durationVal) Sets all the outline properties in one declaration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
outlineColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of the outline around a element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
outlineOffset(def durationVal) Offsets an outline, and draws it beyond the border edge |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
outlineWidth(def durationVal) Sets the width of the outline around an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
padding(def durationVal) Sets the padding of an element (can have up to four durationVals) |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
paddingBottom(def durationVal) Sets the bottom padding of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
paddingLeft(def durationVal) Sets the left padding of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
paddingRight(def durationVal) Sets the right padding of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
paddingTop(def durationVal) Sets the top padding of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
perspective(def durationVal) Sets the perspective on how 3D elements are viewed |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
perspectiveOrigin(def durationVal) Sets the bottom position of 3D elements |
Transition.TransitionDSL |
property(Transition.TransitionProperty property) |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
right(def durationVal) Sets the right position of a positioned element |
void |
setDelay(def delay) Overridden to validate value if its a Measurement. |
void |
setDuration(def duration) Overridden to validate value if its a Measurement. |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
textDecorationColor(def durationVal) Sets the color of the text-decoration |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
textIndent(def durationVal) Sets the indentation of the first line of text |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
textShadow(def durationVal) Sets the shadow effect of a text |
String |
toString() |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
top(def durationVal) Sets the top position of a positioned element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
transform(def durationVal) Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
transformOrigin(def durationVal) Sets the position of transformed elements |
static void |
validateCubics(Object... vals) Validates given values are between zero and one. |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
verticalAlign(def durationVal) Sets the vertical alignment of the content in an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
visibility(def durationVal) Sets whether an element should be visible |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
width(def durationVal) Sets the width of an element |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
wordSpacing(def durationVal) Sets the spacing between words in a text |
Transition.TransitionTimingDSL |
zIndex(def durationVal) Sets the stack order of a positioned element |
Sets all the background properties in one declaration
Sets the background-color of an element
Sets the starting position of a background-image
Sets the size of the background image
Sets borderWidth, borderStyle, and borderColor in one declaration
Sets all the borderBottom* properties in one declaration
Sets the color of the bottom border
Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-left corner
Sets the shape of the border of the bottom-right corner
Sets the width of the bottom border
Sets the color of an element's border (can have up to four durationVals)
Sets all the borderLeft* properties in one declaration
Sets the color of the left border
Sets the width of the left border
Sets all the borderRight* properties in one declaration
Sets the color of the right border
Sets the width of the right border
Sets the space between cells in a table
Sets all the borderTop* properties in one declaration
Sets the color of the top border
Sets the shape of the border of the top-left corner
Sets the shape of the border of the top-right corner
Sets the width of the top border
Sets the width of the border.
Sets the bottom position of a positioned element
Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box
Sets which part of a positioned element is visible
Sets the color of the text
Sets the number of columns an element should be divided into
Sets the gap between the columns
A shorthand property for setting or returning all the columnRule* properties
Sets the color of the rule between columns
Sets the width of the rule between columns
Sets the width of the columns
A shorthand property for setting or returning columnWidth and columnCount
Sets image filters (visual effects, like blur and saturation)
Sets the length of the item, relative to the rest
Sets the initial length of a flexible item
Sets how much the item will grow relative to the rest
Sets how the item will shrink relative to the rest
Sets fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, lineHeight, and fontFamily in one declaration
Sets the font size of the text
Sets whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique
Sets whether the font should be displayed in small capital letters
Sets the boldness of the font
Sets the height of an element
Sets the left position of a positioned element
Sets the space between characters in a text
Sets the distance between lines in a text
Sets the margins of an element (can have up to four durationVals)
Sets the bottom margin of an element
Sets the left margin of an element
Sets the right margin of an element
Sets the top margin of an element
Sets the maximum height of an element
Sets the maximum width of an element
Sets the minimum height of an element
Sets the minimum width of an element
Sets the opacity level for an element
Sets the order of the flexible item, relative to the rest
Sets all the outline properties in one declaration
Sets the color of the outline around a element
Offsets an outline, and draws it beyond the border edge
Sets the width of the outline around an element
Sets the padding of an element (can have up to four durationVals)
Sets the bottom padding of an element
Sets the left padding of an element
Sets the right padding of an element
Sets the top padding of an element
Sets the perspective on how 3D elements are viewed
Sets the bottom position of 3D elements
Sets the right position of a positioned element
Overridden to validate value if its a Measurement.
Overridden to validate value if its a Measurement.
Sets the color of the text-decoration
Sets the indentation of the first line of text
Sets the shadow effect of a text
Sets the top position of a positioned element
Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element
Sets the position of transformed elements
Validates given values are between zero and one.
Sets the vertical alignment of the content in an element
Sets whether an element should be visible
Sets the width of an element
Sets the spacing between words in a text
Sets the stack order of a positioned element